Snack Sightings: Little Somethings (and One Big Nothing)

A round up of eight under $10 snack sightings in Manhattan and Brooklyn--from Apulian Panzerotti bites to salted buttermilk biscuits, yet another cheese puff and a Korean pancake that inspired great hope, and then despair.

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The Real Italian if it's No Big Deal

The eponymous Lillo is an unkempt bearded bear of a man who speaks English haltingly but manages to convey his absolute pride in his cooking and love of Italia at the same time that he exudes utter nonchalance. My paisa panino ($9.95) with tuna, EVOO and artichoke hearts was the kind of perfect sandwich to which I aspire in my own kitchen

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Oldies but Goodies

This week I'm giving the gut a break, so I thought I'd put up some "oldies but goodies," food columns from when I first started Snack Attack at the West Side Spirit. It was a wonderfully fun gig, eating snacks and writing them up in 200 word columns every week for four years. The discipline of the 200 word count is something I miss now that I've moved online. I am prone to ramble (have you noticed?).

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The Teeny Weeny Panini of Madison Avenue

Where, oh where, can I indulge a Snack Attack in the charmless wasteland of Madison Avenue? My friend Lydie and her husband Chris are experienced urban hikers, so I trusted the tip Lydie texted me one afternoon during their Sunday stroll. “Sant Ambroeus on E. 61, sandwiches for $5.50.” She sent a beauty shot of a small pressed Panini with a frittata and tomato spilling out of the edges, two dainty cookies, and a foamy coffee drink.

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